Attract new clients, Add credibility to your business, Showcase your products and services , look professional, Clients easly know your contact details and location among other important information.
Include Vision, Mission, Core Values and Moto among others
Primary Email addresses , phone numbers and Physical addresses
Name, position, proffessional Image and social media links is any, for each team member
Provide images is any , and put more information for each servise that is relevent to the client. The client will only buy if he/she have all the information about the product. Information includes fetures , delivery logistics , payment plans and pricing among other relevent information.
This information increases your credibility if you are in business with some of the major popular players that are well known, it means they trust you and new clients can trust you as well. Validation process had been done by other people.
We require 2 logos of the same kind, 1 that fits on dark colors and another on light colors in a Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format or Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format. Please contact your origional graphics designer for this information, if you dont have logos Sigmasystems design team can create for you for an additional charge.
You need to claim your brand everywhere you can.
How many years in operation with no achivents HARMS your credibility. You need to show pictures and brief details of your major accomplishments , this is proof that you are capable and you done it before with great success. Remember everyone have degrees today but what you have accomplished is whats unique about you.
Choose the best website development plan for your business. Contact us for a quote tailored to your needs.